Welcome Address

  Education is undoubtedly the hub of human development. Consequently, every society, both primitive and modern, accepts it as a major task to soundly educate its citizenry.
      Nations that do this sincerely and invest heavily in sound qualitative education are rewarded with rich human capital and tremendous economic progress. Those who do not, continue to lag behind by an increasing gap. Oxford Group of Schools came into being to inculcate sound educational and moral virtues to the pupils / students.
       True greatness of a man and of course, a woman depends veritably on the right start early in life and early exposure to learning and scholarship. Education is defined as the preparation of an individual to live and fit into the society. We all know that the society is a rapidly changing place. My question then is how do we prepare children to live in a world they have not experienced?
     Nature has shown, and according to Charles Darwin (1859), that “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change“.  This is probably why dinosaurs are extinct while ants are still very much around.
     It is with great delight and immense pleasure that I warmly welcome you to the prestigious *Oxford Group of Schools,a citadel of excellence whose stock-in-trade are teaching, research and service.
At Oxford Group of Schools, we specialize in giving our pupils/students the right values /skills to prepare them for the future. We through projects, guided revision strategy and thinking skills, teach them how to learn by developing them along their dominant intelligence.
       Learning how to learn is the most powerful, engaging, rewarding and enjoyable aspect of our personal and collective experiences.In view of this, Oxford Group of schools strives for the maintenance of good moral and academic standards to rouse the potentials of the pupils / students.
     Lastly, we want to welcome our esteemed and intending parents and students that Oxford Group of Schools is the right place to be.